CommScope has been utilizing Made to Measure’s services for quite some time, but have been much more intensely since moving their entire molding operation from Omaha to Wisconsin. “In the course of doing that, we did complete first article inspections on every part that moved out here.” says John May, Sr. Molding Engineer at Commscope.
That included over 280 plastic parts, with over 200 dimensions each! Every new unit had to be compared to ones previously manufactured to ensure that everything was in tolerance.
A nice benefit, May says, was that the Made to Measure team would “make recommendations on the drawings, on what dimensions should be changed. When both were out of tolerance, they were changing the drawings for new engineering requests, not just doing measurements.”
A Large Volume of Upcoming Projects
Because of an increase in the number of projects CommScope was undertaking, May switched to Made to Measure’s Preferred Partner Program. However, none of the nervousness that often accompanies an open purchase order—essentially a blank check—worried him.
“They did a very professional job about keeping abreast of where their purchase orders were; they actually would report every month to me about what they’d spent, so I always knew how much I had left. They were very clear and succinct.”
Expert, Comprehensive Reporting Seals the Deal
What is John May’s favorite thing about Made to Measure? “Their competency and the professional look of their reports. A lot of times, you’ll send drawings and a part to a place, and you’ll immediately get a phone call with ‘what is this? I don’t understand this.’ [But with Made to Measure] a week and a half later I get a report in an email, like clockwork. Any questions or comments are very clear.”
He was particularly impressed by the photos included in the reports showcasing any problems – something not usually included with FAI reports from other companies. Made to Measure’s equipment also sets them apart in May’s eyes—”they have all the equipment a professional services bureau needs.”