Coordinate measuring machines are highly durable and capable equipment, but as time passes, OEM software becomes dated and phased out. Over time, this lack of support can leave you with a legacy machine and no support from the OEM. Meanwhile, all the mechanical components may be in perfect working order, but without CMM software to send commands to your machine, it simply won’t measure!

At Made to Measure, we recognize the longevity and accuracy still held within these aging CMMs, which is why we offer CMM-Manager software to our clients interested in retrofitting their legacy CMMs. Numerous software configurations are available to suit your needs. CMM-Manager’s no-hardware retrofit works with more than 50 different devices including Zeiss, Mitutoyo, Hexagon, Wenzel, DEA, Helmel, LK, Nikon, FARO, Romer, and more. Upgrade today and operate all your CMMs and inspection systems with one low-cost and easy-to-use software package.