Topics Covered
2-1 Overview of the Entire Measuring Process
Short repetition of the contents of stage 1
2-2 Geometric Overview
Standard Geometric Elements, Surface and Space Points, Punched Hole/Slot, Tetragonal/Hexagonal Hole, Symmetry, Perpendicular, Parallelism, Angle in Space, Coordinate System Transformations
2-3 Form, Orientation and Location Tolerances
Introduction to GD&T (ISO and ASME), Symbols and Drawing Entries, Form Tolerances, Orientation, Location and Runout Tolerances, Principle of inependency and envelope requirement, ASME rule #1
2-4 Measuring Strategy
Define Clamping Setups and References (Practical Instructions), Order of Reference and Origin Selection, Iterative Alignment, Alignment According to the 3-2-1 and Best-Fit Methods (3-D Fit), Measuring Element and Auxiliary Elements, Machine Grid Measurements, Contour Measurements, Measurement with Cylinder Surfaces, etc.
2-5 Probing Strategy – Tactile Sensors
Number and Distribution of Probing Points, Probing Force and Speed, incl. Material Properties, Stylus Diameter, Special Styli, Scanning
2-6 Probing Strategy – Image Processing
Single-shot measurement, Multi-shot measurement, Edge finder, contour image processing, local threshold and gradient method, illumination, filter, scanning, auto focus
2-7 Probing Strategy – Distance Sensors
Laser triangulation sensors, Foucault sensor, White light sensor, Light section sensor, autofocus, Photogrammetry, Fringe protection, Influence on the measuring results
2-8 Computer Tomography
Physical principle, tomography on the image, initial samplings, deviations to the nominal geometry, measurement of sections, checking the material structure
2-9 CNC Programming
Types of CNC programming, principles of structured programming, user interfaces, parametric programming, program design – optimizing for cycle time and accuracy, feature-based measurement, offline collision simulation
2-10 Measurement of Free Form Surfaces
Element types in Free Form Surface Metrology, basics, procedures in free form surface metrology, referencing and probing strategies
2-11 Evaluation
Evaluation Criteria: Function-oriented and Manufacturing-oriented Evaluation Methods, Differences in the Association Methods, Constructions, Digital filtering, Measurement Logs
2-12 Effects on the Measurement Result
Effects on the Measurement Result, Reduction of Measurement Uncertainty, Detection and Reduction of Systematic and Random Effects, Temperature Compensation
2-13 Documentation
Principles of Documented and Reproducible Documentation, Graphic Evaluation, Form Plots, Measurement Reports and their improvement, documentation of fixturing, sensors, qualification, clamping and measurement strategy
2-14 Good Measurement Practice
Metrology adds value, Good Measurement Practice, Necessity of Cooperation