AUKOM Level 2

Next Course Date: March 10-14, 2025

  • Target group: Production metrologists
  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 1 Test
  • Learning aims: The Level 2 course furthers basic knowledge of production metrology for advanced measuring personnel. The didactic approach used in the class is based on the latest findings. The course content comprises the latest knowledge on form and positional tolerance, test plan interpretation, programming, monitoring, and the machine and sensor technology used. An enhanced understanding of measuring jobs and influencing parameters enables metrologists & measuring personnel to reduce measuring uncertainties; and by doing so, making measurement results more reliable and easier to compare. The minimization of costs and wasted materials is supported throughout the chapters of the course.
  • Course duration: 5 days (4 Days of Instruction, 5th Day for Exam)
  • Completion: Certificate upon successful completion of exam
  • Lunch provided daily
  • AUKOM LEVEL 2 Price: $2,125 + $250 Test Fee ($2,375/ student)

Ready to Register for AUKOM Level 2 Training?

Topics Covered

2-1 Overview of the Entire Measuring Process
Short repetition of the contents of stage 1

2-2 Geometric Overview
Standard Geometric Elements, Surface and Space Points, Punched Hole/Slot, Tetragonal/Hexagonal Hole, Symmetry, Perpendicular, Parallelism, Angle in Space, Coordinate System Transformations

2-3 Form, Orientation and Location Tolerances
Introduction to GD&T (ISO and ASME), Symbols and Drawing Entries, Form Tolerances, Orientation, Location and Runout Tolerances, Principle of inependency and envelope requirement, ASME rule #1

2-4 Measuring Strategy
Define Clamping Setups and References (Practical Instructions), Order of Reference and Origin Selection, Iterative Alignment, Alignment According to the 3-2-1 and Best-Fit Methods (3-D Fit), Measuring Element and Auxiliary Elements, Machine Grid Measurements, Contour Measurements, Measurement with Cylinder Surfaces, etc.

2-5 Probing Strategy – Tactile Sensors
Number and Distribution of Probing Points, Probing Force and Speed, incl. Material Properties, Stylus Diameter, Special Styli, Scanning

2-6 Probing Strategy – Image Processing
Single-shot measurement, Multi-shot measurement, Edge finder, contour image processing, local threshold and gradient method, illumination, filter, scanning, auto focus

2-7 Probing Strategy – Distance Sensors
Laser triangulation sensors, Foucault sensor, White light sensor, Light section sensor, autofocus, Photogrammetry, Fringe protection, Influence on the measuring results

2-8 Computer Tomography
Physical principle, tomography on the image, initial samplings, deviations to the nominal geometry, measurement of sections, checking the material structure

2-9 CNC Programming
Types of CNC programming, principles of structured programming, user interfaces, parametric programming, program design – optimizing for cycle time and accuracy, feature-based measurement, offline collision simulation

2-10 Measurement of Free Form Surfaces
Element types in Free Form Surface Metrology, basics, procedures in free form surface metrology, referencing and probing strategies

2-11 Evaluation
Evaluation Criteria: Function-oriented and Manufacturing-oriented Evaluation Methods, Differences in the Association Methods, Constructions, Digital filtering, Measurement Logs

2-12 Effects on the Measurement Result
Effects on the Measurement Result, Reduction of Measurement Uncertainty, Detection and Reduction of Systematic and Random Effects, Temperature Compensation

2-13 Documentation
Principles of Documented and Reproducible Documentation, Graphic Evaluation, Form Plots, Measurement Reports and their improvement, documentation of fixturing, sensors, qualification, clamping and measurement strategy

2-14 Good Measurement Practice
Metrology adds value, Good Measurement Practice, Necessity of Cooperation


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