AUKOM CMM Level 1 – CMM Operator Training Course
At Made to Measure, we recommend AUKOM Level 1 training to anyone working in close proximity to CMMs. But what is AUKOM, and why does it come so highly-recommended? AUKOM is a globally-recognized set of metrology standards that strives to achieve the ultimate goal of strategic international uniformity by implementing standardized metrology best practices. AUKOM CMM courses are software and machine-neutral, allowing you to take the skills that you learn and apply them to any coordinate measuring machine and any software.
AUKOM CMM classes offered at Made to Measure are tailored to be accessible to anyone, providing a general grasp of precision measurement instruments and coordinate measuring machines. We start all the way from the history and application of SI Units, then gradually get trainees more familiar with metrology equipment, and then begin to connect their newfound knowledge to confidently working with CMMs.

Sign Up for Our Next AUKOM Level 1 Course
- Target group: Production metrologists
- Prerequisites: NONE
- Course Goals: The level 1 class lays and consolidates basic knowledge of production metrology for beginners and advanced metrologists. The didactic approach used in the seminar is based on the latest findings. The seminar covers the latest knowledge regarding dimensional tolerancing, programming basics, measurement process planning and the machine and sensor technology used. The enhanced understanding of measuring jobs and influencing parameters enables measuring technicians to reduce measuring uncertainties and thus to make measurement results more reliable and easier to compare. The minimization of costs and waste is supported.
- Duration of course: 4 days (3 Days of classroom training, followed by a test on the final day)
- Completion: Certificate upon successful completion of exam
- Lunch provided daily
- AUKOM LEVEL 1 Price: $1,600 + $250 Test Fee ($1,850/ student)

“AUKOM has helped me understand the difference between tactile probes and measuring probes. This helps me work with our suppliers to determine which probe system to utilize for specific measurements.”
QA Inspector, Global Drive Manufacturer