How Made to Measure Educates & Develops Metrologists
Learning how to become a metrologist can seem intimidating, but at Made to Measure, we strive to set our employees up for success. If you’re interested in becoming a metrologist at Made to Measure, our team is ready to teach you how!
The road to becoming a metrologist begins with learning how to be a Quality Technician. Then, there are three levels of Made to Measure Metrologist certification. Read on to see how you can become proficient in the discipline of metrology at Made to Measure!

Quality Technician Phase
The first step towards becoming a metrologist is getting familiar with the industry as a whole, as well as the equipment used on the job. Before learning how to become a metrologist, we begin a rigorous training regimen. First, we train new hires to be a Quality Technician for their first three months on the job.

To fill this role, we train and test our employees in the following fields:
- Internal quality standards
- ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standards
- Basic Blueprint Reading
- Fundamentals of GD&T
- AUKOM Level 1
Besides completing each course and passing every evaluation, a mentor metrologist is assigned to every new hire. The mentor ensures the trainee is logging the required hours and is responsible for overseeing their work.
Becoming a Certified Metrologist – Level 1
Upon completing the three-month Quality Technician program, new hires are well on their way to earning a metrology certification! The next phase takes between six and nine months (depending on experience), and aims to instill accuracy and efficiency in measurement. Furthermore, we train our Quality Technicians to ensure proficiency in a wide range of manual gauges and at least two CMM software programs.
- Manual gauges & instruments
- Ballooning drawings
- Reporting
- CMM Programming
- 90% Accuracy (based on desired results)
- 90% Efficiency (based on expected time parameters)
After training in all the required fields, logging all their required training hours, and passing all their evaluations, and demonstrating proficiency in the required fields, the new hire is now a Level 1 metrologist at Made to Measure!
Level 2 Metrologist Certification Requirements

After achieving their Level 1 certification, our metrologist is now ready to become an AUKOM Certified Metrologist. At Made to Measure, we offer AUKOM Level 1, AUKOM Level 2, and AUKOM GD&T courses to train our own metrologists. Furthermore, we offer these courses throughout the year for anyone who wants to learn about coordinate metrology best practices. When someone passes all three of these courses and any accompanying exams, they earn their AUKOM certification.
AUKOM certification is only part of the Level 2 metrologist journey, however, as we educate trainees in a number of proficiencies.
Training Courses:
Elective Courses:
- SolidWorks Training
- ASME GD&T Technologist
Additional Proficiencies:
- AS9102 First Inspection Reporting
- Internal reporting
Our team at Made to Measure always encourages our metrologists to further their knowledge, and as such, Level 2 metrologists are expected to become proficient in an additional CMM software program they haven’t already been formally trained in. Additionally, it’s expected that Level 2 metrologists undergo more rigorous training in their preferred CMM programs.

Certified Metrologist – Level 3
To become a Level 2 metrologist, responsibilities shift towards teaching. We expect metrologists at this level to actively mentor and train new hires, just as someone guided them up to this point. And while SolidWorks training and ASME Certification were optional for Level 2, they’re required for Level 3. When earning their Level 3 metrologist title, we expect our employees to train in the following:
Training Courses
- ASME GD&T Technologist OR ASME GD&T Senior
- SolidWorks
Continued Education
- Advanced CMM Software in three additional programs
- Basic CMM Software in two additional programs
Additional Requirements:
- Mentor at least three new hires to Level 1
- Conduct two training courses
- Make recommendations for efficiency, processes, service, and training
Level 3 metrologists are also responsible for overseeing work completed by Level 1 and Level 2 metrologists. Work is expected to be completed quickly, and of course, accurately.
Become a Metrologist at Made to Measure
Are you ready to start on your pursuit of metrology? Submit your resume today! We’re always looking for qualified candidates to join our expert team. Contact us online today with any questions you may have.