Friday, February 23rd, 2018

The Everyday Metrologist

You don’t need to be a Metrologist to understand that taking measurements happens all the time!

Friday, February 9th, 2018

How come, AUKOM?

Imagine a world where your engineering, manufacturing, and metrology department were all on the same page about drawings, tolerances, and GD&T. Where your inspection results are produced seamlessly by each metrologist and are comparable across your entire team. A world
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Friday, January 26th, 2018

Section, Scan, Repeat!

When a large automotive manufacture reached out to us for a reverse engineering project with an engine block, we knew we had a big project on our hands…literally!

Friday, January 12th, 2018

Reshoring Mechanical Pen Operations

A well known manufacturer of writing utensils is currently in the process of reshoring their manufacturing operations back to the United States & their branding team is holding up the release of the product, but why?

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

Roundness Testing of Bowling Balls

Metrology isn’t relegated to a far-off world of formulas and programs, it touches every day life – from tiny gears and fittings to fun and games!

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

10 Years in the Wind Requires an Overhaul

Our Metrologist and precise CMMs get the results you need, like for this high precision housing. This machined pump housing needed careful handling along with temperature control as the tolerances were tremendously close.

Thursday, July 6th, 2017

A Simple Start with Vision System

A customer needed the outside profile and radius of their snap fit measured on their product’s new cylinders. Something just wasn’t right. We used our optical comparator and a vision system to get them the data they needed to overcome
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